Creature corpse weight

Issue #9586 open
Themegabossb Megabossb created an issue

I noticed that a great many of Qud’s creatures weigh exactly 200 lbs. It does not make sense that a snapjaw scavenger would weigh the same as a bear, which also happens to weigh the same as a Conservator.

Maybe introduce some dynamic weight variables? E.g. increased strength in organic creatures raises weight because of increased muscle mass etc.

Edit by Sol: This issue seems to actually be about the weight of corpses not corresponding to and varying with the original creatures' weights.

Comments (8)

  1. Sol

    actually, the exact thing you described is already the case! i recommend checking in-game instead of reporting bugs just by looking at data files

  2. Themegabossb Megabossb reporter

    Strange this, because I kept getting bear corpses that weighed at 40 lbs once, while also getting most everything else weighing 200 lbs.

  3. Themegabossb Megabossb reporter

    Yeah, everything is 200 lbs.

    Only a few creatures I found to be deviant in this regard.

    Bears are also 40 lbs which I am guessing was a typo where they meant 400.

  4. Sol

    got it, so the actual issue at hand is that corpses are always the same weight regardless of the weight of the original creature

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