[gyre] strange behavior from temporary/equipment-based mutations

Issue #9603 resolved
eva problems created an issue

game seems to be incorrectly pruning mutations granted by cooking/equipment when certain equipping/metabolizing behavior happens. i believe the key factor is having multiple sources of temporary mutations active at once. temporary mutations granted by cooking are removed entirely whenever you don or remove equipment that grants mutations, despite the metabolizing effect still being active, even if you have the base mutation and the recipe is simply granting bonus levels to it. it’s also allowing me to unequip leyline puppeteers while the temp fugue it grants is on cooldown, or the same for a relic shield that grants clairvoyance while clairvoyance is on cooldown, though this might be fine because it usually just delays the cooldown until the mutation is back.

except sometimes, the mutation lingers in a usable state despite unequipping the item that grants it. for example: i equip leyline puppeteers, granting me temp fugue. i equip prismyca (the relic CV shield), granting me clairvoyance. i auto-equip a steel shield from my inventory to replace prismyca. i lose temp fugue from my character sheet and ability menu, while retaining clairvoyance, completely usable. removing the leyline puppeteers then purges clairvoyance.

in certain situations it seems like it lags one piece of equipment behind. i had 3 relics granting elec gen, an arm slot (+6), a chest (+1), and gloves (+1). swapping out the arm relic and looking at elec gen on my character sheet, it still said it was getting +6 from that arm slot item and +2 from the other two. i swapped out my chest slot, and it dropped to level 2, +1 from my gloves and +1 from the chest slot i was no longer wearing. i swapped out my relic gloves for mundane leather gloves, it dropped to level 1, +1 from the gloves i am no longer wearing. but then, i equip leyline puppeteers. it grants me temp fugue but does not purge the elec gen. i am still able to discharge a mild electrical shock into the zealot of the six-day stilt and build more back. at this point, the only sources of temporary mutations on me are the puppeteers and a +3 burgeoning levels meal whose effects were almost immediately neutralized by a previous round of testing.

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