Metamorphosis and domination

Issue #9696 open
jojoknob created an issue

Dominating Crowsong and using metamorphosis on my character:

  • Replaced “end domination” with “end metamorphosis” even though those are different things. I assume it is the same because I had a key bind for end domination that remained the same for end metamorphosis, even though I never set a key bind for end metamorphosis.
  • Attribute bonuses from triple-jointed were not applied to metamorphed me.
  • When “metamorphed” I am also not “dominated”, and the unmorphed background Crowsong does not advance the clock on the domination effect. Thus you can essentially suspend domination.
  • If you die as dominated Crowsong metamorphed as you, the game ends.
  • Attacking original you while metamorphed does break domination if inert you receives damage, and you are returned to original you.
  • If you subsequently dominate metamorphed you, you get options for end domination and end metamorphosis.

    • Ending metamorphosis then turns you into undominated Crowsong, which you control without “being stranded here”, though original you is still projecting consciousness. Projecting consciousness does not ever time out on inert you. Then you’re in a fun Westworld scenario.

Kind of fun to play with, cheers! Save before doing any of this attached.

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