[#bugs] i came back from brightsheol and when i entered barathrum's study it dropped an ...

Issue #971 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: luminous eva problems

Message (jump):

<luminous eva problems> i came back from brightsheol and when i entered barathrum's study it dropped an immobile clone of myself on the stairs back up. looking at the clone said "it's you" with second-person pronouns as if i was looking at my own tile. i couldn't swap places with the clone. i activated my force bubble to try to push them away and the game froze.

Comments (4)

  1. eva problems

    commentary from birdy from the bugs channel: “this occurred in both Eva's and my games, post tomb - seems to be related to going up/down levels anywhere in joppaworld. the overworld has strange interactions and drops the player up/down in seemingly random zones. a lot of the time when it does this it will leave another inert player-copy (not a clone; all the same equipment, abilities, etc.) attacking this copy damages the player.”

    i’ve noticed that every 3 or so screen segments i move, it’ll give me the action queue inconsistency message saying i’ve ended a segment without a current cell, and then it’ll place me in the middle of the current tile. this weird immovable clone will be at the point i entered the tile on. in this screenshot, the real me is the one in the top left corner and the immobile clone is the one in the center.

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