Stunning Force can only ever do 1 increment of damage and does the wrong type of damage

Issue #9952 new
John Snail created an issue

Stunning Force’s description states that it deals crushing damage in up to 3 increments. However, because Pushed prevents an object from being affected more than once, it will only ever do this in 1 increment. It also technically does Concussion damage and not Crushing, which will affect mods and/or future content.

I’m inclined to believe this is not intentional as Stunned separately keeps track of objects that should be stunned, which wouldn’t be needed if objects were only ever meant to be hit once as the Pushed list could simply be checked instead. I don’t recall if the addition of Pushed was to fix any bugs.

Comments (6)

  1. John Snail reporter
    • changed status to new

    I understand how it works now, and yeah I don't think it's doing what the description says it does. It keeps track of what objects have been pushed, and as such will only ever do damage once.

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