Include affiliates mailing address in training rosters

Issue #33 resolved
BCCF repo owner created an issue

Background Trainers aren’t able to easily get the information they need about training participates to contact them and send them pre-event packages When visiting or downloading the training roster trainers should have access to a complete set of information about the affiliate who has signed up for their event.

High-Level Business Requirements Save time so trainer doesn’t have to manually search each affiliate to get their mailing info.

Current State Currently, the information below is the only information that is displayed in the training roster. This isn’t enough info for trainers.

Screen Shot 2017-11-15 at 3.53.38 PM.png

Problems and Issues with Current State Trainers have no easy way of contacting people who have registered for an event to email, call or mail them information. Trainers have to manually search the user list or their invoice to find each person’s contact info

Target State When a trainer visits the Training page: and searches for their event and then downloads or just views the list of Attendees the list will give the trainers the individuals mailing address, email address and their phone number if the user has inputted their phone number. The above mentioned information should display in the online attendees list and also in the excel Spread sheet that is generated at download.

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