Display the full title of articles, resources and books.

Issue #42 resolved
BCCF repo owner created an issue

Document Purpose: This document describes the requirements, issues, and proposed resolution for a requested change to bccf.ca and related systems and processes.

Background: The change is related to aesthetics and usability. The amount of text shown for titles and taglines is likely built into a layout/HTML/CSS template. Use Case / System Components:
A large number of pages use the relevant template. High-Level Business Requirements The site should be easily scanned. The site should encourage users to investigate throughout the site. The layout change should reduce bounce rate, and increase clicks per user.

Current State Currently 18 characters of the title are displayed and about 60 characters from the beginning of the article. Problems and Issues with Current State When browsing resources, it's hard to know what a selection/item is about before clicking through. (remove "deck" text.) The incomplete titles don’t communicate complete thoughts or ideas. The character limits of the layout are different from the limits in the database/model. List of articles/resources/books is limited to 40% of site width.

Target State Character limits of layout should be equal to the character limits of the database/model. List of articles/resources/books (or something else) make use of 60% of site width. Remove article excerpt to allow room for full title to display.

Solution Approach Impact of change should be measured by Google Analytics. Data migration likely not required. Adjust all layouts to have the same number of characters for titles and remove the tagline that displays below the title. Create an “article” layout (similar to a newsmedia site) to be used for articles, news, and blog entries. Create an “articles” home page layout (similar to a newsmedia site) to be used for the landing pages for articles, news, and blog entries. This layout could be used for the following pages: Blog page Topic pages Resource pages

Action Items Development team to assess how much of change is impacted by HTML template and propose solution. Development team to assess config options of article/product list widget.

Comments (4)

  1. Nav Aulakh

    Requires major overhaul of all HTML templates that render articles, news and blog entries. This will also impact the other pages such as forum, surveys and pages with forms. The design for the shop will also be needed to changes to make it similar to the website.

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