Preview surveys

Issue #48 new
BCCF repo owner created an issue

Document Purpose: This document describes the requirements, issues, and proposed resolution for a requested change to and related systems and processes.

Impacted Use Case / System Components:
Use Case: Create Survey Use Case: Update Survey Use Case: View Survey Use Case: Complete Survey Background:

High-Level Business Requirements Goal: Allow users to complete a survey. The system allows site admins or trainers to create a survey. The system should allow site admins or trainers to preview a survey. The system allows easy integration The system shows results in prepackaged reports or exports raw data. The system allows trainers to associate a survey with a training session. Current State Problems and Issues with Current State System currently doesn’t allow admins or trainers to preview a survey and test how it is working while they are building their survey. Users, use the wrong types of questions in the wrong places. Their surveys don’t look nice Their surveys aren’t easy to complete? Solution Approach Changes TBD create a preview options for users Implementation Regression testing not required. Test impacted Use Cases.

Solution Comparison

LimeSurvey Survey, questionnaire djaodjin-survey django-survey surveydog ntusurvey

Evaluative Criteria: Fit for requirements? How does the user experience compare? What is the user experience for site admin (Tina) User experience for professionals? User experience for training attendees? How easy to integrate into website How well is the package supported Is the package complex to support? License fee?

Action Items Aug 9: Asked Ashton status update on solution assessment.

Confirm extent to which Event Module was used and what config options are available. Development to confirm current data model.

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