00079 -- Associate price with Downloadable PDF

Issue #7 new
Andy Wang created an issue

In the shop is there a way to list a bulk price for publications and an individual price? Also I tried uploading a downloadable PDF and it isn’t showing up on the items page in the store.

update from Hugh -- this isn’t an option

still needs to be addressed Also I wasn’t able to specify a price for for a downloadable PDF. How does the process work?

Comments (3)

  1. Andy Wang reporter

    Solution: Add an attribute to shop items to include downloadable links. On default it would be none or not applicable. This would be outputted on the receipt page after purchase confirmation. For items that are not downloadable, the default value would appear on the receipt page.

  2. Andy Wang reporter

    I still need another review about adding attributes to existing models on the model, admin view, and view and temp for it

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