Query compatibility with Essential

Issue #9 new
Paul Vaughan created an issue

Hi all. I'm just testing this plugin with Moodle 2.9.2+ and the latest version of the Essential theme ( which your readme says it is compatible with (generally, no specific versions).

Where an element has been added to a course, it works fine (and looks really good!), but when adding a new Bootstrap element, the 'Icon' field does not show the various icons. Staff have had to copy-paste the appropriate codes from fontawesome.

Chrome's webdev tools show the following errors in the 'console' tab:

Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined


Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined

Sure enough, searching through the rest of the console text, there is no other mention of jQuery.

So I'm not sure who should be loading jQuery, but it doesn't seem to be happening! I'm reporting it here first as this is the plugin which isn't working correctly (as far as I can tell) but if I need to report it to the Essential developer also/instead, I will.

Warm regards,


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