Breadcrumb navigation broken in Moodle v.3.1

Issue #198 new
Former user created an issue

Due to a newly added <span itemscope> elements wrapping breadcrumb navigation breaks in Moodle 3.1 version

Comments (2)

  1. Emil Stoyanov

    One possible and quick fix would be to change file "jquery/custom.js" theme file in the following way:

    1. Change line 18 to:

      $( ".breadcrumb li:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) span").not('.divider').addClass('spnlink').append( '<span class="arrow-top"></span><span class="arrow-bottom"></span>' );

    2. Add 2 more lines before line 18:

      $( '.breadcrumb li span[itemtype=""]').contents().unwrap();

      $( '.breadcrumb li a span[itemprop="title"]').contents().unwrap();

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