Add a Way to Add Extra Spacing to the Start & End of a Scroll Snap

Issue #12 resolved
Beka Westberg repo owner created an issue

Problem Statement

Requested by scandell on the Unity Forums (

"Also to get what I need from scrollSnap. I want my scrollable area to be quite a bit larger than the items that i populate it with. I wish there was a way to add large spacers at the start/end of the cluster of items. I am doing this manually but creating two dead items that i set to notSnappable. This pushes the scroll gap larger and allows my IOS users to be less precise about where they swipe when dealing with the ends of the scrollable area."

Comments (1)

  1. Beka Westberg reporter

    We determined that the best way to do this is to make your scroll snap wider/taller so that the content has to stretch to cover the entire scroll snap.

    If anyone would like more information on how to do this please contact me.

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