Memory error when element type != index type

Issue #7 new
Aydin Buluc created an issue

Hi Aydin,

In the main program, the element type of the matrix is set to unsigned short because these are just positions within the sequence length. The index type is set to uint64_t.

I get a memory error at the creation of FullyDistVec instance with this setup. In fact, any two types that are not identical for index and element types produce the same error when calling the FullyDistVec constructor.

I am attaching a simple test that produces this (it just defines IDXT and ELET at the beginning and creates a FullyDistVec). You can replace the old SegTest.cpp with this to try. Also, attaching the valgrind output.

For now, I'll set element type to be the same as index type.

Thank you, Saliya

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