Floating point exception encountered

Issue #1 resolved
Donovan Parks created an issue


I am finding MetaBAT to give extremely good bins on single metagenomes. Currently, I am using MetaBAT to bin a community comprised of 4 samples. I'm running MetaBAT through the shell script:

runMetaBat.sh scaffolds_500bp.fa.gz *.bam

This crashes with the following:

runMetaBat.sh: line 115: 42287 Floating point exception(core dumped) $MB $metabatopts --inFile $assembly --outFile $outname --abdFile ${depth}

I suspect the problem might be caused by some of my contigs having extremely low coverage and no reported variance. As such, I have played around with the --minCVSum, -x, and -m parameters to try and remove such contigs, but this doesn't resolve the issue.

I have placed the abundance and scaffold files on an FTP site at: https://data.ace.uq.edu.au/public/misc_downloads/

Regards, Donovan

Comments (7)

  1. Don Kang

    Hi Donovan,

    I've run your data with MetaBAT 0.25.3, but didn't reproduce your issue. Can you try with this command line as below to see if you still have the same issue?

    ddkang@mc0537:/global/u1/d/ddkang/files/Donovan$ metabat -i metabat.scaffolds_500bp.fa -a metabat.coverage.txt -o bin -v
    [00:00:00] Using p1 90%, p2 90%, p3 95%, minProb 80%, minBinned 40%, minCV 1.0, minContig 2500, minContigByCorr 1000, minCorr 92%, paired 0
    [00:00:26] Finished reading 794909 contigs. Number of target contigs >= 2500 are 51650, and [1000 and 2500) are 254528
    [00:00:28] Finished reading 306178 contigs (using 292722 including 241135 short contigs) and 4 coverages from metabat.coverage.txt
    [00:00:49] Finished TNF calculation.
    [00:02:16] Finished building a probabilistic graph. (292722 vertices and 13774806 edges)
    [00:02:39] 1st round binning 100.0% (292722 of 292722)
    [00:02:39] Leftover contigs before fish_more: 90.14% (263863 out of 292722)
    [00:02:44] Leftover contigs after fish_more_by_friends_membership (roughly): 85.82% (251203 out of 292722), 111 bins
    [00:02:44] Leftover contigs after fish_more (roughly): 85.78% (251109 out of 292722)
    [00:02:44] Leftover contigs after fish_more_by_corr (roughly): 85.78% (251109 out of 292722)
    [00:02:47] 24.07% (240027536 out of 997350751 bases) was binned.
    Number of clusters formed: 111
  2. Donovan Parks reporter

    Seems the problem is that my input scaffolds were compressed with gzip. The program "seems" to run fine with a compressed file as the resulting abundance file looks right, but the metabat executable is clearly unhappy with the compression.

  3. Don Kang

    Right. The compressed file was not expected for metabat. Maybe we should allow that later update. Thanks for reporting this!

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