Run Error?

Issue #13 resolved
Former user created an issue


I have a metagenome sample I'm currently running. This is the basic command I did: 440_Genomes_assembly.fasta 440_Genomes_assembly.bam

Where the .fasta file contains the contig sequences as a result of de novo assembly, and .bam is the read alignment file of the said assembly for all contigs.

It's currently running but some error message keeps popping up like this:

Warning: SAM 1.3 M not 1.4 =/X and there is no NM aux field. PercentID will be invalid!!! read_pair_414782

What does this mean exactly? Should I keep it running or terminate?

Comments (3)

  1. Holly0929

    May I know how was this problem resolved? I met the same problem. But I cannot see the comments and resolution. Thank you.

  2. Rob Egan

    Answered in #37. Additionally, this is not a fatal error, but rather a warning. Metabat should still function, but will not provide the most accurate results without fixing your BAM file.

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