Error in docs

Issue #131 resolved
Former user created an issue

If I underderstand you docs correctly you state that the minContig length is 2500 but the scripts( specifies sumopts="--outputDepth ${depth}.tmp --percentIdentity ${PCTID} --minContigLength 1000 --minContigDepth ${MINDEPTH} ${badmapopts} --referenceFasta ${assembly}" Line in the docs. -m [ --minContig ] arg (=2500) Minimum size of a contig for binning (should be >=1500).

Comments (1)

  1. Rob Egan

    The script sets --minContigLength to 1000 only when no depths file exists and only TNF is used to generate the bin.
    In the preferred mode, where abundance information is provided, then smaller contigs are considered via the --minSmallContig (default 1000) option, but this option is ignored when no abundance information is provided.

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