same contig in different bins

Issue #17 resolved
Xabier Vázquez-Campos created an issue


I've ran MetaBAT v.0.32.4 with the parameters below after using the jgi_summarize_bam_contig_depths script to generate the depth file. I want to use anvi'o to refine the bins. To do so I need to create a table of contig to bin assignments. It's the first time I see MetaBAT placing the same contigs in different bins. Is this normal?

metabat -i /srv/scratch/z3382651/meta_analysis/megahit_binning/final.contigs.fixed.2500.fa \
-a ../depth.txt -p ../pairedContigs.txt --saveTNF saved.${METHOD}.tnf --saveDistance saved.${METHOD}.gprob \
--p1 97 --p2 97 --minProb 97 --minBinned 30 -v --unbinned -B 20 --keep \

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