saveTNF with Metabat2?

Issue #39 resolved
Former user created an issue


I have been having issues getting the binning procedures to run within the allotted 1 week I have on my universities cluster due to the size of my dataset. I know in the first version of Metabat there was an option to save and load the TNF matrix. Is this still possible in Metabat2 even though the option is not listed under the help menu? My thought was to calculate the TNF matrix and then run another job that loads the TNF file and finishes the remaining binning steps. Would this be possible? Or is there another way to resume the job or split it up that I am missing?

Thanks for your time!

Comments (2)

  1. Don Kang


    Those options in MetaBAT 1 was not for saving memory but for computation in the case that you need to run multiple times to find the best parameter settings. MetaBAT 2 simply reduces the burden by automation and save options are unnecessary. Looks like you need more memory. Hope this helps.

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