[E::hts_open] fail to open file

Issue #42 resolved
trl created an issue

Hello, when I try to use "jgi_summarize_bam_contig_depths" with more than 1021 bam-files I get for each additional file this error:

[E::hts_open] fail to open file 'plant18984.bam' ...

Is there any file limitation?

Best Robin

Comments (4)

  1. Rob Egan

    I haven't tried that many files, but 1021 is an odd threshold and seems to indicate to me that your computer has a limit of 1024 open files (including STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR). Check the ulimit on # of open files:

    Our systems have a limit of 4096

    ulimit -n 4096

    If yours is limited to 1024, have your systems administrator increase the limit.

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