Installation, can't charge library

Issue #43 resolved
Isabelle Lyschan created an issue


I'm trying to use MetaBat, but I have almost no experience in coding or such thing, I am a microbiologist student.

As explained, I followed the Anaconda instructions to install metabat, but i'm stuck at this part : "After install, both metabat(metabat2) and metabat1 will be available. For Mac OS, make sure prepend the executables with the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH to avoid "dyld library not loaded problem. For example:

DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/miniconda3/lib metabat"

=> when I type this into the bash, I have the following text that appears : dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/gcc@4.9/lib/gcc/4.9/libgomp.1.dylib Referenced from: /Users/Isabelle/anaconda3/bin/metabat Reason: image not found Trace/BPT trap: 5

How can this be solved in order that I can use MetaBat for analysing my data ? For the moment I find this hard to understand...

Thank you.