are a BAM files mandatory ?

Issue #45 resolved
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In the paper, the mapping of the sequences are mentioned as pre-requisite, sound like mandatory. The command line examples ( <options> assembly.fasta sample1.bam [sample2.bam ...] or metabat2 -i assembly.fasta -a depth.txt -o bins_dir/bin) and benchmarks in the documentation include the depth file or used the bam files. But the -a flag it is not an obligatory requirement (optinal) to run metablat, for example: metabat2 -i assembly.fasta -o bin apparently run well and generates binning as well. My questions are: 1- How influences metablat results if we run it without the bam or depth file ? 2- What is the use of the bam files in the algoritm ?

Comments (1)

  1. Rob Egan

    Please read the README and the paper if you are interested in the algorithm. The abundance correlation is given by the coverage depth that the BAM files reveal. The Tetra-nucleotide frequencies are derived from the sequences in the fasta file, and MetaBAT works best with both are available.

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