metabat2 got no bin

Issue #47 resolved
liuly created an issue

i run metabat2 at night,and when i woke up,i found metabat2_out has no bin. and I can't find the log file,so i am not sure what's going wrong with it. 1.why it come along with no results? 2.where can i find the log file ?

Comments (4)

  1. Rob Egan

    Sounds like something wrong on your system... really hard to diagnose. Perhaps your filesystem filled up? Perhaps you forgot to push enter?

    There should have been something that was output, even if it was an error message on the screen.

    Please try again and if there is stil an error, include a copy of your exact command line and the output it produced.

  2. Rob Egan

    So a few things. First, MetaBAT can work on just the assembly fasta file, without the coverage data, but that is not recommended. Second, if none of the reads map back to your assembly, then your assembly either 100% incorrect or it is not from those reads and what you are attempting does not make sense. Third, if your assembly consists of only very short scaffolds, <2kb in length I believe, then MetaBAT will not attempt to bin any of them because they are too small to have sufficient signal over the noise.

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