Extend PTS arithmetic to allow pointing to "one past" the end of a shared array

Issue #109 new
Former user created an issue

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 109

Steve's comments moved from issue 106:

1. Is pointing to one element past the end of a shared array object valid (as it is
for local objects by ISO/IEC 9899 6.5.6 8-9)?  If so, we should be sure that we get
the expected behavior for those as well.  Note that this is a much larger change, as
a lot of the spec assumes that any valid non-null pointer-to-shared points to an object.

This is trivial to express.  The existing equations in 6.4.2 3 define the exact behavior
of upc_threadof() and upc_phaseof().  My proposal in comment 13 suffices to define
the behavior of upc_addrfield(), and can be trivially tweaked to define the local address
as well.  Since you can't do pointer-to-shared arithmetic on generic pointers-to-shared,
nor on pointers-to-shared whose referenced type is incomplete, we don't need to worry
about what "one past" means in those cases, and it is well-defined for all others.

Reported by danbonachea on 2013-03-01 18:25:33

Comments (12)

  1. Former user Account Deleted
    > The existing equations in 6.4.2 3 define the exact behavior of upc_threadof() and
    Not for this "outlier" case they do not.
    The first semantic paragraph of 6.4.2 reads (emphasis added)"
      When an expression that has integer type is added to or subtracted from a
      pointer-to-shared, the result has the type of the pointer-to-shared operand. If
      the pointer-to-shared operand points to an element of a shared array object,
    The case of a pointer incremented past the end of a shared array object does not meet
    the condition of this paragraph, which is a precondition on all the semantics that
    follow. Such an action therefore strays into undefined behavior, by C99 Sec 4-2:
      Undefined behavior is otherwise indicated in this International
      Standard by the words ‘‘undefined behavior’’ or by the omission of any explicit definition
      of behavior. There is no difference in emphasis among these three; they all describe
      ‘‘behavior that is undefined’’.
    Now we can possibly discuss EXTENDING the semantics of PTS arithmetic to allow for
    this case, but this is clearly undefined at the moment, so this would represent a CHANGE
    (and in my opinion a questionable one, with significant potential for implementation

    Reported by danbonachea on 2013-03-01 18:37:22

  2. Former user Account Deleted
    > Not for this "outlier" case they do not.
    > ...
    I specifically said, "The existing equations in 6.4.2 3", not "UPC 6.4.2 2-3" specifically
    for that reason.  I recognize that this is an extension.  ;)

    Reported by sdvormwa@cray.com on 2013-03-01 18:40:10

  3. Former user Account Deleted
    > Is pointing to one element past the end of a shared array object valid (as it is for
    local objects by ISO/IEC 9899 6.5.6 8-9)? 
    > I recognize that this is an extension.  ;)
    Sounds like we agree on the answer to your first question: this is clearly undefined
    in UPC 1.2. 
    As such, proposals to add such semantics are orthogonal to a clarification to existing
    1.2 semantics.

    Reported by danbonachea on 2013-03-01 18:51:24

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    Reported by danbonachea on 2013-03-01 18:51:35 - Labels added: Type-Enhancement - Labels removed: Type-Defect

  5. Former user Account Deleted
    > Sounds like we agree on the answer to your first question: this is clearly undefined
    in UPC 1.2.
    As I mentioned in issue 106, only for definitely blocked shared arrays.  For indefinitely
    blocked shared arrays, such a pointer is valid, and doesn't currently work with a lot
    of language features due to the use of "pointed-to shared object".

    Reported by sdvormwa@cray.com on 2013-03-01 18:55:14

  6. Former user Account Deleted
    > As I mentioned in issue 106, only for definitely blocked shared arrays.  For indefinitely
    blocked shared arrays, such a pointer is valid, and doesn't currently work with a lot
    of language features due to the use of "pointed-to shared object".
    To clarify, I believe that supporting such pointers with definitely blocked shared
    objects is a new feature, which should NOT go in 1.3.  However, I believe that they
    are permitted in 1.2 for indefinitely blocked shared objects, but don't work correctly,
    and thus we should fix those in 1.3.

    Reported by sdvormwa@cray.com on 2013-03-01 19:04:12

  7. Former user Account Deleted
    >  I believe that they are permitted in 1.2 for indefinitely blocked shared objects,
    > but don't work correctly, and thus we should fix those in 1.3.
    Please provide a concrete example of code and spec text from 1.2 to support this assertion.

    Reported by danbonachea on 2013-03-01 19:22:12

  8. Former user Account Deleted
    UPC 1.2 6.4.2 2:
    ... If the shared array is declared with indefinite block size, the result of the pointer-to-shared
    arithmetic is identical to that described for normal C pointers in [ISO/IEC00 Sec.
    6.5.6], except that the thread of the new pointer shall be the same as that of the
    original pointer and the phase component is defined to always be zero. ...
    shared [] int A[NELEMS];
    shared [] int *P = &A[NELEMS]; // Points to just past end of A, permitted by C99
    if ( MYTHREAD == 0 ) {
        int *lp = (int *)P; // Undefined, because P does not point to any object, and
                            // 6.4.3 does not define the results of such a cast
        if ( upc_threadof( P ) == 0 ) {
            // Implied by 6.4.2 2, but upc_threadof() only has a defined value for
            // non-null pointers that point to an actual object, which P does not

    Reported by sdvormwa@cray.com on 2013-03-01 20:00:49

  9. Former user Account Deleted
    > shared [] int A[NELEMS];
    > shared [] int *P = &A[NELEMS]; // Points to just past end of A, permitted by C99
    >     int *lp = (int *)P; // Undefined, because P does not point to any object, and
    >                         // 6.4.3 does not define the results of such a cast
    Agreed, but I don't really see this as a problem. Casting a PTS to unallocated space
    to a PTL does not have any behavior guaranteed by the spec, and therefore has undefined
    behavior. It might be nice if this was guaranteed, but since it's not I don't see how
    this constitutes something that "don't work correctly". Also, if you really want to
    construct such a pointer, it is already very easy to do so without straying into undefined
    behavior. Namely:
     int *lp = ((int *)A) + NELEMS;
    > but upc_threadof() only has a defined value for
    > non-null pointers that point to an actual object
    I agree that upc_thread(pts) where pts points to unallocated space has undefined behavior.
    I don't really see this as a major problem either - it's perhaps less than ideal, but
    currently it's just a corner case the library semantics render undefined. The only
    case where pts could be a well-defined pointer value under 1.2 is if its referenced
    type is indefinitely-blocked, in which case the LOGICAL thread affinity specified by
    6.4.2-2 is trivially identical to the pointer used in the expression used to create
    pts. The library function isn't guaranteed to give you a correct answer for that corner
    case, but I'm having trouble seeing why a real code would care to execute that query
    in the first place. Even if it did, there's an obvious workaround when you know you're
    in this case, which is to simply call upc_thread(pts-1) -- or alternatively allocate
    the original object with a trailing "fence" element so that pts meets the requirement
    of pointing to a shared object.

    Reported by danbonachea on 2013-03-01 20:31:18

  10. Former user Account Deleted
    I'm just commenting on the rationale for extending the arithmetic to make computing
    the one-past address valid, not the details of how we would modify UPC to allow for
    it.  It's the same rationale as in C, really, to allow the one-past address to act
    as the terminating value of a pointer loop...
    You could have a function like this:
        void copy_to_me( int* local, shared [B] int* p, int count )
            while ( count-- > 0 ) *local++ = *p++;
    Or you might want this form:
        void copy_to_me( int* local, shared [B] int* start, shared [B] int* stop )
            while ( start < stop ) *local++ = *start++;
    The pure C99 local pointer analogues of these two functions are legal, but calling
    the second version in UPC:
        shared int A[THREADS];
        copy_to_me( my_buffer, &A[0], &A[THREADS] );
    Is currently questionable for arbitrary block size B != 0 because &A[THREADS] is a
    one-past address.

    Reported by johnson.troy.a on 2013-03-01 21:32:27

  11. Former user Account Deleted
    > Is currently questionable for arbitrary block size B != 0 because &A[THREADS] is a
    one-past address.
    Agreed - that code currently has undefined behavior in 1.2.
    One of my main concerns with modifying the spec to make this code well-defined for
    arbitrarily blocked arrays is outlined below. I'm not positive this is a "show-stopper"
    for this potential new feature, but it's at least food for thought.
    In C99, arrays are strictly linear in memory, and given pointers to any two disjoint
    elements, there is a natural total order on those elements defined by the linear memory
    address. It is therefore easy to unambiguously discuss the "last" element in the array
    object, because it is the one that is totally ordered after all the others. It doesn't
    matter if the array was declared statically or allocated dynamically, or the details
    of the pointer types used to access it, the "last byte" of the object is always a well-defined
    and unique location, as therefore so is "one past the end".
    This basic property of heap memory is not true in UPC. Given pointers to any two distinct
    elements in a blocked shared array with affinity to *different* threads, there may
    be no unique order between those elements (see comment #1 in issue 104 for details).
    The ordering of the two elements depends upon the blocksize of the pointers used to
    ask the question. There are even obscure cases where the question returns an undefined
    answer (comparison of indefinitely-blocked PTS or dephased blocked PTS). As a consequence,
    I'm not convinced that the "last" element in an UPC array is always unique and always
    well-defined, let alone "one-past" that location. 
    For a statically-declared shared array, one could potentially fall back upon the blocksize
    in the declaration that creates the object and use that to uniquely (and somewhat arbitrarily)
    define the "last" element (although note that due to blocking, "one-past" that last
    element might actually have affinity to a different thread and have a lower "local
    address"). However I don't think this works for dynamically-allocated arrays at all,
    because there is no *array type* in the code to provide a well-typed blocking factor
    for use in defining a canonical "last element" and "one past it". There are only pointers
    to shared data, which may alias that data using different blocking factors. If some
    of the pointers used to access slices of that shared array are indefinitely-blocked,
    one could make an argument that there is a "last element" on several threads, one corresponding
    to each such pointer. Thus "one past the last element" is no longer a unique location.
    I'm worried about the semantic implications of that, and the complexity of the spec-speak
    that would be needed to unambiguously define this feature.

    Reported by danbonachea on 2013-03-01 22:51:03

  12. Former user Account Deleted
    In the 3/15/13 telecon, we discussed this issue and decided that it should be deferred
    to a future spec revision, to allow further time for study.

    Reported by danbonachea on 2013-03-16 01:16:40

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