Can layout qualifiers applied to shared scalars be eliminated?

Issue #39 new
Former user created an issue

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 39 ``` This is for UPC language issue 26.

Can layout qualifiers applied to shared scalars be eliminated? (not backward compatible, but generally not used.)


Reported by `` on 2012-05-22 23:38:24

Comments (9)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    ``` I am not sure why they should be disallowed. Is it a problem allowing them? Since

    shared [3] int A[12];

    is an array[12] of shared [3] int, it seems arbitrary to disallow declaring

    shared [3] int B;

    That way, too, shared [3] int *p can point to an element of A or to B without a type cast. ```

    Reported by `brian.wibecan` on 2012-05-23 02:38:03

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    ``` Would it be possible to use a layout qualifier applied on a scalar to specify which thread should have affinity to the data (e.g. X % THREADS)? A common issue is that thread 0 gets hammered with communication because scalars are all placed on that thread. AFAIK, UPC currently provides no way to change this behavior. ```

    Reported by `james.dinan` on 2012-05-31 19:17:37

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    ``` I wouldn't want the meaning of X in shared [X] datatype foo to change so drastically just based on whether foo is a scalar or an array. However, you raise a good point. The only way to distribute shared scalars is to use pointers. I could see this being an opportunity for a new allocation function, allocating memory with affinity to exactly one (specified? random?) thread, and distributing the pointer to all threads. Perhaps that would serve your needs, even if more cumbersome.

    Or perhaps we can devise more appropriate syntax as a proposed extension? The scalar case is a degenerate version of an array where the first element has affinity to some thread other than 0. Again, easily achieved using pointers.

    At any rate, while there are some interesting ways this concept could go, I don't support overloading the block size syntax to work this way. ```

    Reported by `brian.wibecan` on 2012-05-31 21:15:38

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    ``` Brian wrote in comment #3:

    I don't support overloading the block size syntax to work this way.

    I agree strongly on that point. I am also open to hearing of proposed syntax for declaring shared scalars residing on threads other than zero, but have no proposal to offer at the moment. I am also open to a upc_alloc_on_thread(size, thread) proposal if there is an actual demand for it (not just "it would be nice if...").

    Earlier Brian had observed that ALLOWING the layout qualifier allows a pointer-to-shared to reference either an element of a shared array or a shared scalar, without casts. While I agree that is true, I don't see the immediate benefit of this. Brian, can you elaborate on WHY this is useful? ```

    Reported by `` on 2012-05-31 21:30:05

  5. Former user Account Deleted


    Brian, can you elaborate on WHY this is useful?

    The application that comes to mind most readily is a sentinel, terminal element, or temporary element in a linked list, where the list itself consists of elements of an array. A single scalar with the same type may serve as a sentinel, or may be temporarily added to the list within a routine, with the intention of removing it before routine exit. There are, of course, many ways to accomplish similar goals, but this is one way that is convenient. ```

    Reported by `brian.wibecan` on 2012-06-01 18:18:02

  6. Former user Account Deleted


    I could see this being an opportunity for a new allocation function, allocating memory with affinity to exactly one (specified? random?) thread, and distributing

    the pointer to all threads. .... I am also open to a upc_alloc_on_thread(size, thread)

    proposal if there is an actual demand for it (not just "it would be nice if...").

    If we're talking about dynamic allocation, this functionality already exists - it's called upc_alloc(). If you are requesting the ability for one thread to allocate space with affinity to a DIFFERENT thread, I would first question the utility of such behavior, and then point you at upc_global_alloc or upc_all_alloc (which wastes space but accomplishes the request). As an implementer seeing the global performance implications of upc_global_alloc, I would strongly oppose an allocation routine to allocate memory with affinity to a remote thread.

    If we're talking about static allocation, I can see the utility of statically declaring scalars with non-zero affinity. I think the challenges in introducing such a feature would be:

    1) devising appropriate syntax (and NOT overloading the blocking factor syntax which is already a sufficient source of confusion) 2) The current use of thread zero is convenient because it is already guaranteed to exist. We would need to think about how to handle programs in the dynamic thread environment that specify static allocation for threads which do not exist at runtime.

    Anything we come up with would need to be balanced against the fact that this can already be easily accomplished using a statically-declared cyclic array and a pointer, although it wastes space. eg: shared [1] int data[THREADS]; shared [1] int *B = &(data[4]); -- a pointer to a scalar on thread 4


    Reported by `danbonachea` on 2012-06-15 15:55:35

  7. Former user Account Deleted

    ``` Dan, not that I'm proposing this function, but what I thought was being requested was more akin to upc_all_alloc, except that it allocates memory in the shared space of exactly one thread, rather than a distributed array. A collective upc_alloc, in other words. Roughly:

    shared void * upc_alloc_on_thread(int requested_thread, size_t size) { static shared void * shared p; upc_barrier; if (MYTHREAD == requested_thread) { p = upc_alloc(size); } upc_barrier; return p; }

    I could see this possibly being useful, and more useful than mucking with the block size syntax for scalars. Again, this is not being proposed here.

    Regarding static allocation of entities with non-zero affinity, I think this is a good question that should be broadened beyond scalars.

    shared int A; shared [] int B[12];

    Both of these are allocated with affinity to thread zero. If a means is devised for specifying A has affinity to some other thread, it should also be able to apply that to B.

    shared int C[10*THREADS];

    And why not allow such a mechanism to state that C[0] has affinity to some thread other than zero?

    So, food for thought for a future proposal. I don't like the idea of singling out scalars for special treatment here. ```

    Reported by `brian.wibecan` on 2012-06-15 18:20:13

  8. Former user Account Deleted


    what I thought was being requested was more akin to upc_all_alloc, except that it

    allocates memory in the shared space of exactly one thread, rather than a distributed array.

    The upc_alloc_on_thread code you wrote in comment #7 seems to provide that functionality in 6 easy lines of code, so I don't see a motivation for adding it to the standard library. Implementations might be able to make it a little faster, but if it's ever really a bottleneck the hand-rolled function can be easily refactored to perform many such allocations at once (or just upc_all_alloc a distributed array and carve it up).

    Regarding static shared allocation that is based somewhere other than thread 0, that seems like an idea worth investigating for a future (2.0+) version of the language. Let's open a new ticket for that discussion.

    Returning to the original issue, nobody seems to be strongly arguing to disallow layout qualifiers on shared scalars. The consensus seems to be they are a minor corner-case of the syntax that look ugly when used, but may rarely be useful and are not harmful enough to be worth prohibiting.

    Closing this issue.


    Reported by `danbonachea` on 2012-06-16 19:41:34 - Status changed: `Rejected`

  9. Former user Account Deleted

    Reported by `gary.funck` on 2012-07-06 21:04:02 - Labels added: Milestone-Spec-1.3

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