Provide a "UPC Implementer's Guide" document

Issue #63 resolved
Former user created an issue

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 63 ``` There are corner cases and various technical issues that may in fact be clearly specified in the UPC language specification, but that are not immediately obvious to a compiler/runtime implementer. Further, there may be issues for which it would be useful to describe aspects of the implementation that will provide optimum performance. These UPC language implementation aspects do not belong in the UPC language specification, and will be more useful to implementers if they are documented in a separate "UPC Language Implementation Notes" document. Further, by being separate from the UPC language specification, the "Implementer's Guide" can be revised more frequently and need not be rev-locked with the UPC language specification document.

The "UPC Implemeter's Guide" might also be a natural place to document material similar to that provided in the C99 Rationale.


Reported by `gary.funck` on 2012-07-17 18:15:12

Comments (1)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    ``` As discussed on an earlier telecon, we've decided to provide this (at least for now) by using the Wiki features of this Google site.

    I've created an initial Wiki framework document here:

    It's mostly empty at the moment, and everyone is encouraged to contribute content as your time allows and issues arise. Once we accumulate a useful body of knowledge we'll figure out the best way to publish this for general consumption.

    Marking this issue fixed. ```

    Reported by `danbonachea` on 2012-08-18 22:55:40 - Status changed: `Fixed`

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