Clarify interaction of UPC++ Serialization with Boost

Issue #157 resolved
Dan Bonachea created an issue

This task was deferred from pull request #20 for a future release that includes Boost serialization support:

More needs to be said about the UPC++ interaction with Boost. Specifically, I suspect that activating the Boost adapter for T means that when serializing an object of type T, the object and all sub-objects will use Boost serialization. Stated another way, our serialization calls into Boost, but Boost serialization does not call back to UPC++ (right?).

This matters if, for example, a given sub-object type implements both Boost-native serialization and UPCXX_SERIALIZED_FIELDS or some other UPC++ class serialization mechanism. The mechanism used at runtime will depend dynamically on whether serialization for that type is invoked directly by UPC++ or indirectly through the Boost adapter on a containing type.

This is especially relevant for std containers that may have both Boost-provided Boost-native serialization and runtime-provided UPC++ class serialization.

Comments (1)

  1. Dan Bonachea reporter

    This has been resolved in 2020.10.0 by removing the Boost serialization adapter from the normative library.

    See Extras PR 25 for an experimental but functional Boost serialization adapter

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