Proposal: Persistent LPCs

Issue #187 new
Colin MacLean created an issue


Some programming models, such as SYCL, require periodic status checks for asynchronous events, such as kernel completion. This can be accomplished by repeatedly adding LPCs into the UPC++ event loop, but this re-queue behavior must be manually written by the user and incurs many unnecessary heap allocations of lpc_base-drived objects. To provide a performant solution to this problem, I propose adding a persistent_lpc type of LPC which adds itself back into the LPC inbox rather than deleting itself in execute_and_delete().

upcxx::future<> fut = upcxx::rpc(...,[](...) {
  sycl::event ev = // kernel launch
  upcxx::future<> pro;
  upcxx::current_persona().persistent_lpc_ff([ev,pro]() {
    if (ev.get_info<sycl::info::event::command_execution_status>()
           == sycl::info::event_command_status::complete) {
      return true;
    } else return false;
  return pro.get_future();


A persistent LPC has two main goals

  • To execute until a "done" condition is met

  • To fulfill a promise when data becomes available

A basic persistent LPC Callable is a simple concept. The following is written using C++20 concepts for conciseness and precision of terms, but is implementable using C++11 SFINAE. It takes no arguments and returns a value convertible to bool to indicate its status:

template<typename C>
concept PersistentLpcCallable = requires(C c) {
  { c() } -> std::convertible_to<bool>;

Getting data into a persistent LPC is different from a normal LPC or RPC. Repeatedly passing arguments to a persistent LPC for its state is clunky and is more elegantly handled by mutable lambdas:

int count = 0;
persona.persistent_lpc_ff([count]() mutable {
  return ++count >= 10;

Likewise, getting data out of a persistent LPC is more difficult than a one-off LPC or RPC. Returning the future values along with the status, like std::tuple<bool,Ts...>, would result in needing to deal with a potentially large and garbage-containing tuple in invocations before the persistent LPC has reached a "done" state. Therefore, a promise must be passed to the user to fulfill. There are two ways this could be done: Either the user could create a promise themselves and capture a copy with a lambda or an overload could pass a promise as an argument to the persistent LPC Callable:

template<typename C, typename... Ts>
concept PromisePersistentLpcCallable = requires(C c) {
  { c(std::declval<upcxx::promise<Ts...>&>()) } -> std::convertible_to<bool>;

Fire-and-forget Persistent LPCs

void upcxx::persona::persistent_lpc_ff(PersistentLpcCallable&& c);

The fire-and-forget version of persistent LPCs is straightforward due to not needing to deal with any promises and futures in the implementation. In execute_and_delete(), the persistent LPC would simply add itself back into the queue rather than deleting itself when not in a "done" state. It is also possible to use promises and futures, simply by using lambda captures:

int count = 0;
upcxx::promise<int> pro;
upcxx::future<int> fut = pro.get_future();
persona.persistent_lpc_ff([count,pro]() mutable {
  if (++count >= 10) {
    return true;
  } else return false;
int res = fut.wait();

Persistent LPCs with implementation-controlled promises

I experimented with two different designs for promise::persistent_lpc() where the implementation took care of creating the promise and future creation. The first was to return a data-less future marked complete by the implementation when reaching a "done" state.

upcxx::future<> upcxx::persona::persistent_lpc(PersistentLpcCallable&& c);


int count = 0;
upcxx::future<> fut = persona.persistent_lpc([count]() mutable {
  return ++count >= 10;

This is nice and convenient, but there isn't much of an advantage when the user needs to fulfill the promise with data themselves.

If we had

template<typename... Ts, typename C>
upcxx::future<Ts...> upcxx::promise::persistent_lpc(C&& c)
  requires PromisePersistentLpcCallable<C, Ts...>;

the usage wouldn't be much more concise than if the user created the promise themselves, even with C++14:

upcxx::future<int> fut = persona.persistent_lpc<int>([count=(int)0](auto& pro) mutable {
  if (++count >= 10) {
    return true;
  } else return false;
int res = fut.wait();

This only saves two lines over a user-managed promise using fire-and-forget. Working with two futures in order to get data out of a persona::persistent_lpc(PersistentLpcCallable) would also be redundant. Therefore, a non-fire-and-forget version of persistent LPCs is only useful when data doesn't need to be returned. As such, I reason that only fire-and-forget persistent LPCs should be provided by UPC++.


Add the following member function to upcxx::persona:

template<typename C>
upcxx::persona::persistent_lpc_ff(C&& c);

Where C is a Callable taking no arguments and returning a type convertible to bool, which is executed until it returns true. Keeping the _ff suffix allows for adding the managed promise versions if there's ever a need demonstrated. The implementation of fire-and-forget persistent LPCs requires minimal effort whereas the managed promise versions require a decent amount of SFINAE to get the overloads working without ambiguity errors.

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