Fixup API ref for atomics

Issue #46 resolved
Dan Bonachea created an issue

Current API ref for atomics include text like:

Precondition: T must be one of the approved atomic types. T must be the only type used by any in-flight atomic referencing p.
Performs an atomic read of the location p and returns its value in a future.

The preconditions should include that p points to an object of type T (eg p is not a null pointer, or pointing at unallocated/unaligned space).

Also, in the second sentence we should delete the word "in-flight" (and possibly copy this restriction to the overview). In particular, we don't support p being a pointer to member of a union that is sometimes accessed as uint64_t and sometimes as uint32_t. Atomic domains are permanently type-specific, not just during races.

Finally instead of "Performs ... of the location p" it should probably say "of the object at location p".

Comments (3)

  1. Dan Bonachea reporter
    • changed status to open

    New text:

    T must be the only type used by any atomic referencing p for the entire lifetime
    1971 of UPC++.

    I think there's still a minor ambiguity here. In particular, if the user has a type like (pseudocode for a shared-memory object declaration):

    union {
      uint64_t  full64;
      struct {
        uint32_t lo32;
        uint32_t hi32;
    } V;

    If the user invokes atomics with p1==&V.full64 (and T=uint64_t), we need to clearly disallow atomics with p2==&V.hi32 (and T=uint32_t). Note in this case those are NOT the same value of p (p1 and p2 are different addresses in this case, although the referenced objects overlap).

    Perhaps clarify with something like:

    T must be the only type used by any atomic referencing any part of the object storage referenced by p for the entire lifetime of UPC++

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