Add a glossary

Issue #49 resolved
Dan Bonachea created an issue

We should add a glossary section to define formal terms that are used throughout the spec but do not appear in the C++ "terms and definitions" section.

This probably includes at least:

  • collective
  • affinity
  • rank
  • thread (or OS thread)
  • shared segment
  • local
  • remote

Comments (8)

  1. Dan Bonachea reporter

    Should probably also include:

    • Serializable (with a reference to the chapter)
    • Referentially transparent
    • Source completion
    • Operation completion (or whatever we end up calling it)
    • A list of any C++ concepts we use (eg TriviallyCopyable), with a reference to the C++14 spec (which should probably be added to the Bibliography)
  2. BrianS

    Where would we like the glossary? after the Overview and Scope, or as a section within that chapter?

  3. Scott Baden

    I've written the first version. A lot is based on text provided in the Spec itself. Note the following Right now we talk about "Operation Completion" Should we instead use a simpler term "completion?"

    Section 4.9 refers to thread as A"\upcxx device referred to as thread persona which generalizes the notion of operating system threads." There is probably a better word than "device, " perhaps construct instead?

  4. Dan Bonachea reporter

    Thanks Scott - I did some additional cleanup.

    I'm satisfied with the initial version of the Glossary, we can open new issues for any quibbles over wording of particular entries.

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