Implement barrier_async

Issue #101 resolved
Dan Bonachea created an issue

upcxx::barrier_async is currently unimplemented.

We could implement a limited version now using gasnet_barrier_{wait,notify} - the limitation being only one barrier_async can actually be outstanding at a time (this is arguably the most important use case anyhow). However this can be made spec-compliant by just queuing the barrier_async when one is already in-progress, and issuing them serially from the internal progress engine.

Implementing a fully overlapped version of the more general semantic currently in the spec will need to wait until we have the updated team-based reductions in GASNet.

Comments (6)

  1. Paul Hargrove

    I am not sure the team-based reductions are required (especially assuming no teams).
    I believe that John and I had determined that a non-blocking 1-byte Exchange (a.ka. all-to-all) was sufficient.
    That could be implemented today using the GASNet-1 collectives implementation, but that code may be short-lived and so we should discuss this before taking that path.

    However, I also seem to recall that John wanted to implement an AM-based dissemination barrier.

  2. Paul Hargrove

    Upon further consideration, I'd like to endorse Dan's suggestion of using GASNet's split-phase barrier and serializing them w/i the upc++ progress engine if multiple barriers would overlap.

    This is not only the least code to write, but it also has the opportunity to utilize fast RDMA-based barrier algorithms that will significantly outperform a 1-byte all-to-all or anything written using AMs. On BG/Q you even get an off-loaded split-phase barrier.

  3. Paul Hargrove

    GASNet-EX is delivering an efficient (potentially offloaded) implementation of allreduce over teams in either the 2018.06 or 2018.09 release.

    That means we will have at least 2 implementation options (the other being Dan's suggested internal serialization of calls to GASNet-EX's team-scoped barrier). So, I believe the 2018.09 release of UPC++ should implement the async barrier call.

  4. Dan Bonachea reporter

    This issue was triaged at the 2018-06-13 Pagoda meeting and assigned a new milestone/priority.

    We noted this feature is currently in the spec and relevant to the milestone deliverable. Before release this needs to either be implemented or (as a last resort) removed from spec.

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