upcxx-run does not honor $UPCXX_PYTHON

Issue #190 resolved
Dan Bonachea created an issue

nobs requires Python2 2.7.5+ to install UPC++, and if it's not found accepts $UPCXX_PYTHON as the way to locate it.

upcxx-run requires Python 2.7.5+ to run UPC++ programs, but currently simply requires that to be python in the end user $PATH, and drops dead otherwise. This is particularly problematic because the end user is often different from the installing user and may have a completely different $PATH (which, for example, might not contain python at all).

At the very least upcxx-run should always honor $UPCXX_PYTHON when it's set at runtime.

An enhancement would hoist the Python-finding intelligence out of sourceme into a new helper script run by both tools. An additional enhancement would cache the python path found at install time and add that to the Python search at upcxx-run.

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