Choose seq/par backend in compiler wrapper

Issue #206 resolved
Alexander Pöppl created an issue

I'm using the CMake configuration tool to generate the Makefiles for my Project. When I use the upcxx compiler wrapper, I am unable to pass the type of backend I want to link against (par or seq). Instead, I have to set the Environmental variables manually each time I open a new shell, and they need to match the ones I set when generating the configuration.

This process could be simplified greatly, if one could set the thread mode using a command-line switch, akin to passing the -O or -g flag, e.g: "upcxx -O -par" to link against the parallel, optimized backend.

Comments (3)

  1. Dan Bonachea

    Hi @apoeppl - Thanks for the suggestion, I agree that's a good idea.

    In the meantime, here is a workaround for your Makefile, use this command instead:

    env UPCXX_THREADMODE=par upcxx -O ...

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