Validate macOS 10.15 "Catalina"

Issue #239 resolved
Paul Hargrove created an issue

Apple's next macOS release (10.15 "Catalina") is currently in public beta and expected to be generally available in late September (though Apple does not pre-announce specific dates). So, it is likely to arrive very shortly after we release.

I have a VM enrolled in Apple's beta program and plan to track releases as my time allows. Though the current beta does not boot on my VM, the previous one did and GASNet and UPC++ both PASSED CI tests compiled with clang/clang++ from both Xcode-10 and Xcode-11 (also beta).

This is optimistically assigned to our mid-Sep release.

Comments (9)

  1. Paul Hargrove reporter

    Having tested macOS Catalina Beta (macOS 10.15 / Build "19A536g") with Xcode 11 Beta 6 (Xcode 11.0 / Build "11M392q"), I found no new issues in the current develop branches of GASNet or UPC++.

    I have ceased testing Xcode-10 on Catalina betas.

    I am still unable to build a "real" GCC for testing, but this something I assume the Homebrew or Fink communities will eventually address w/o active efforts on my part.

  2. Paul Hargrove reporter

    macOS 10.15 Beta 7 (build "19A546d") is still looking good after updating Xcode-11 to Beta 7 (build "11M392r").

  3. Paul Hargrove reporter

    macOS 10.15 Beta 8 (build "19A558d") is still looking good, now with Xcode-11 "GM Seed" (build "11A419c").

  4. Paul Hargrove reporter

    The VM is now on macOS 10.15 Beta 9 (build "19A573a")
    This platform is now part of our automated nightly testing (with the released Xcode-11).

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