RFE: stand-alone post-install sanity-check script

Issue #300 resolved
Paul Hargrove created an issue

Our new build infrastructure supports make test_install to exercise the installed upcxx, headers and libraries. This is sufficient for the user performing the install to verify that no files are missing.

This mechanism is NOT sufficient to perform any testing after the source and/or build directory has been removed. Nor is it sufficient to detect all forms of permission problems since it will typically be utilized by the same user as the make install step (and not always with sudo).

This issue is a request for a stand-alone (not dependence on source or build trees) equivalent to make test_install, probably machine-generated and installed. This would resolve both deficiencies mentioned above (lifetime and third-party).

Comments (2)

  1. Paul Hargrove reporter

    Generate test-upcxx-install.sh

    This commit resolves issue 300 by installing test-upcxx-install.sh, a self-contained script that compiles/links a simple hello-world UPC++ program once for each installed instance of libubcxx.a. There are NO dependencies on the source or build directories.

    This new script is documented in INSTALL.md.

    → <<cset 37e87da8fb24>>

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