Link warning from icpc due to mpicc/mpicxx mismatch

Issue #308 resolved
Paul Hargrove created an issue

When using the Intel compliers and MPI at JLSE to look into GASNet-EX bug 4039 , I was seeing the following from a upcxx -g ... invocation which include linking:

icpc: command line warning #10148: option '-Wunused-result' not supported

This turned out to be "pilot error".
GASNet-EX probed a gcc-based mpicc as it linker, and then an intel-based mpiicpc was used as CXX.

I believe we are lacking any documentation that mentions a need to specify an mpicc when seting CXX to an MPI C++ compiler. This is particularly problematic with the Intel MPI, where mpigcc and mpicxx co-exist as means to select the compiler family, and mpicc picks one via env var.

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