Guarantee equality for default-constructed invalid upcxx::team_id

Issue #343 resolved
Max Grossman created an issue

Many MPI libraries make use of MPI_TEAM_NULL as a placeholder value for uninitialized teams, among other things. Today, UPC++ does not have an equivalent sentinel value to represent an invalid team ID. Specifically, this issue was encountered while trying to port TAMM (part of NWChemx) from GA/MPI to UPC++.

From conversation on slack, it sounds like the current consensus is to change the implementation to include an explicit default constructor for team_id to enforce default construction and adding a guarantee of equality for such invalid ids.

Comments (6)

  1. Dan Bonachea

    Merging release upcxx-2020.3.2

    • upcxx-2020.3: ChangeLog: update release date 2020.3.2 package version bumps Make future and serialization tests "full" upc++ ChangeLog cleanups Update ChangeLog
    • Added test/regression/issue380.cpp - Fixed issue 380 where rput with source+operation cx failed to compile. Fix issue 368. Needed to add a default constructor for bcast_payload_header in runtime.hpp since it has a union containing a non-trivially constructible member (std::atomic). Add a Serialization example with an abstract base class bugfix entry Bugfix issue 369. <completion>::as_future() was typically leaking a small 56 byte heap struct per completion notification due to a refcount bungling in detail::persona_tls::fulfill_during_user_of_active(). configure: search PATH for python3 and python2 configure: implement check_tool_path() Update ChangeLog Add issue371 test Fix issue 371: team_id's are not "universal" as documented Update ChangeLog Add issue343 test fix issue 343: ensure that default-construced team_id provide a unique invalid team_id Update ChangeLog Improve bad_shared_alloc to output shared heap status Add a test to demonstrate shared heap allocation failures Tweak shared heap allocation exceptions test/memberof.cpp: silence a harmless warning with -std=c++2a docs: revise Intel/libstdc++ recommendation bench/misc_perf: avoid C++20 deprecation warnings Clarify recommendations for using parallel make list fix #356 Fully qualified std::foo to ::std::foo in UPCXX_SERIALIZED_FOO macros. For members injected into user classes by UPCXX_SERIALIZED_* macros: This fixes issue 356 where non-public constructors were inaccessible to UCPXX_SERIALIZED_XXX macros. The fix entails smuggling a public static function into the class that then calls the constructor. Add issue356 regression test Update ChangeLog ChangeLog: document CROSS to UPCXX_CROSS rename configure: automatically cross-compile on Cray XC Start a ChangeLog for hotfix release

    → <<cset e35f012d9670>>

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