Determine/document support for macOS 11

Issue #410 resolved
Paul Hargrove created an issue

We should determine if there are any problems with Apple's macOS "Big Sur" (now in Beta) which is versioned as "macOS 11", and document the status.

Comments (2)

  1. Paul Hargrove reporter

    I now have a VM with "macOS 11 Beta 5 (BuildVersion 20A5354i)", aka "public beta 2".

    Initial testing has been conducted on a system with Xcode as the ONLY installed software (no Homebrew, Fink, or similar). This VM was not an update from an older VM with such tools. This notably means no CMake.

    I have used the nightly CI infrastructure for my initial tests.
    I am using CC='/usr/bin/clang++ -std=c++2a' and UPCXX_EXTRA_FLAGS='-pedantic -fno-rtti'.
    The -fno-rtti was a carry-over from a Catalina config file, not an intentional addition.

    At this point things are still running, but the debug build/run of external-upcxx has passed other than the failures due to lack of cmake.

    Nothing is final until both the OS and compiler are out of beta, and we have some testing history.
    However, the initial results are reassuring.

    Both /usr/bin/python2 and /usr/bin/python3 are present.
    /usr/bin/python is a symlink to a python 2.7.16 !
    /usr/bin/perl is still present
    /usr/bin/bash is still present and still stuck at 3.2.57 (and zsh is the default shell, as began w/ Catalina)

  2. Paul Hargrove reporter

    Earlier today Apple publicly released macOS 11.0.1 "Big Sur".
    Based on private testing of betas, continuously over the past 2 months, I believe the 2020.10.0 and 2020.11.0 releases of UPC++ fully support macOS 11.0.

    It is worth noting that Xcode 12.2 (also released today) is required for compiling any application on macOS 11 (not just a UPC++ issue). Similarly, one must reinstall non-Apple compilers, such as g++ from Homebrew or similar, after the upgrade to Xcode 12.2 (or newer).

    Since we have written our documentation to avoid advertising "ceiling" versions, I am not aware of any documentation updates required.

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