CMake support RelWithDebInfo build_type that enables upcxx runtime assertions

Issue #418 new
Rob Egan created an issue

So on Dan’s advice to build with -g and -O3 I ran into a few snags while attempting to bludgeon CMake to properly do this for which I’ll document my issues and workaround here. I think that supporting this standard-but-mostly-unused RelWithDebInfo CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is something achievable and relatively easy to do.

So first off just adding “-g” to a Release build options breaks because upcxx complains that you cannot set -g and -O at the same time without UPCXX_CODEMODE set or adding the -codemode={opt|debug} option. Similarly adding -O3 to a Debug build breaks. Nor is adding either really sustainable because an environmental variable is not necessarily propagated to the subsequent make calls and adding “-codemode=..” to the CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS variable breaks any normal code.

In my (pretty new server Mar 2020) with an arguable old cmake version (3.10) from a not-very old linux install (Ubuntu 18.04.05 LTS), I found that I could not even see UPCXX_OPTIONS to modify it. Nor would setting ENV{UPCXX_CODEMODE} (which is what “share/cmake/UPCXX/UPCXXConfig.cmake” does) hold over to the make step. Note that this does seem to work for cmake > 3.12 though, and that is my temporary workaround (i.e. use a custom build of cmake 3.18 on my dev machine and add “set(ENV{UPCXX_CODEMODE} debug)” in the CMakeLists.txt )

Note, that I also found that in 3.10 the CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS were not set at all in RelWithDebInfo whereas Release and Debug set those flags just fine… I may file a bug with CMake on this because CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO is fully proper.

The upshot is that I believe that including -codemode=debug in the UPCXX_OPTIONS variable is a better solution than setting the ENV{UPCXX_CODEMODE} variable.

So, I think that changing share/cmake/UPCXX/UPCXXConfig.cmake from:

      set(ENV{UPCXX_CODEMODE} "debug" )
      set(ENV{UPCXX_CODEMODE} "O3" ) # O3 is compatible with any version

To this

      list(APPEND UPCXX_OPTIONS "-codemode=debug" )
      list(APPEND UPCXX_OPTIONS "-codemode=debug" )
      list(APPEND UPCXX_OPTIONS "-codemode=opt" )

is all that is needed to make this stick in all CMake versions and enable this standard but new-to-upcxx build_mode.

And for backwards compatibility, this code can be protected with some new upcxx cmake option (with documentation) which one can set before the call to find_package(upcxx)

as motivation for this change here are the timing differences for a toy dataset of mhmxx on my single desktop, and I confirmed that both the Debug and RelWithDebInfo versions throw assertion errors from upcxx.

53.57s  Release (-O3)
77.60s  RelWithDebInfo (-O2 -g)
244.19s Debug (-g)

Comments (9)

  1. Rob Egan reporter

    Following up on a slack session we had about how RelWithDebInfo is not a great fit for this build mode… I like the recommendation from stackoverflow to add a new “non-standard” RelWithDebug build type:

    So essentially as fast as -O2 (from the compile options of RelWithDebInfo) but also with assertions enabled which is what we wanted and what is necessary in order to also support gasnet statistic collection.

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