"internal error: bad pointer" from ICC in rpc with auto argument and C++14

Issue #431 wontfix
Dan Bonachea created an issue

Test program, from the TaskTorrent group:

#include <upcxx/upcxx.hpp>
#include <functional>
#include <tuple>

template<typename T, typename ... Ps>
struct AM {
    upcxx::dist_object<std::function<T*(Ps&...)>> fun_ptr;
    void send(int dest, Ps &... ps) {
        auto payload = std::make_tuple(ps...);
        // Changing auto to std::tuple<Ps...> or decltype(payload) makes the "bug" (?) disapear
        upcxx::rpc_ff(dest, [](upcxx::dist_object<std::function<T*(Ps&...)>> &lfun_ptr, const auto &lps)
            // Nothing
        }, this->fun_ptr, payload);
int main() {
    int i = 0;
    char c = 's';
    std::function<char*(int&)> fun = [&](int& i){
        return &c;

    AM<char,int> am {fun};
    am.send(1, i);

    while(true) {

Compiles fine using -std=c++14 (required by the auto lambda param) with gcc 10.2 or clang 11.0, but fails with ICC 2020.2.254:

/usr/local/pkg/upcxx-dirac/intel-2020.2.254/stable-2020.10.0/upcxx.debug.gasnet_seq.smp/include/upcxx/rpc.hpp(23): internal error: bad pointer
            std::declval<typename binding<Fn>::off_wire_type>()(

Smells like an Intel bug, possibly one we can workaround?

Comments (4)

  1. Paul Hargrove

    With the 2021.1.2 release of the Intel compilers, this issue appears to be resolved (I have tested both develop and the 2020.10.0 release).

    I am not closing the bug, pending an investigation into the possibility that a simple work-around can be formulated for older compilers as suggested at the very end of the original report.

  2. Amir Kamil

    I’ve spent several hours hacking at this unsuccessfully. I’ve tried 4-5 different alternatives (none of which have been all that simple), and all I’ve been able to accomplish is to move the bad-pointer error elsewhere. I’m ready to declare defeat.

  3. Paul Hargrove

    Thanks, @Amir Kamil, for the efforts to find a work around for older Intel compilers.

    Since the newer compilers from Intel lack this bug, and are free, I see no motivation for us to spend additional effort on this issue.

  4. Paul Hargrove

    As noted previously, this does not impact the vendor's latest compilers and a reasonable effort to work-around the problem on older ones was unsuccessful.

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