assertion failure in persona.hpp

Issue #50 resolved
Nenad Vukicevic created an issue

After the switch to develop branch and update yesterday I am having an assertion error on one of the tests:


Happens on the exit, and as far as know I do not run any code that is persona specific. And it happiness on only one of them (out of 10).

Comments (8)

  1. Nenad Vukicevic reporter

    I compile it like

    $(CXX) guppie.cpp get_time.c $(PPFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBFLAGS) -Wno-inline -o guppie

    and take default for running.

  2. Dan Bonachea

    For the record, this appears to be a very naive and low-fidelity implementation of guppie for UPC++ and should not in any way be considered a "good" example of how to best express the crucial update_table function in UPC++ (even in the context of a fine-grained version that does not aggregate communication). There are many obvious improvements that should be made to leverage UPC++'s asynchrony features as intended, before this could ever be said to accurately represent a good UPC++ implementation.

    However the only obvious mistake I see is that main() fails to upcxx::finalize before exit, which might explain the assertion failure.

  3. Nenad Vukicevic reporter

    I also have the gappie-async version that does not fail like this. Will give it a try.

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