Implement dev-check-par-debug

Issue #533 resolved
Dan Bonachea created an issue

We currently have makefile targets dev-check-debug and dev-check-opt for testing just debug or just opt, but AFAIK there is no way to slice along threadmode and e.g. test only par.

This is unfortunate because in practice it's quite rare that threadmode=seq provides any additional insight for correctness testing that threadmode=par does not cover.

This can potentially be accomplished with NO_TESTS=-seq-, but that's kind of a hack which relies on that string not appearing in any test name.

It would be nice to have direct Makefile testing targets (or variables) to isolate just SEQ or just PAR

Comments (2)

  1. Paul Hargrove

    Implement dev-{tests,check}{,-opt,-debug}-{seq,par}

    This commit resolves issue 533: Implement dev-check-debug-par

    There are a total of 12 new targets, providing the ability to build or build+run just the seq or opt halves, or the {debug,opt}x{seq,par} quarters.

    → <<cset 84eb5617a6c5>>

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