Dead links on wiki

Issue #85 resolved
BrianS created an issue

" Advanced Installer Configuration" link doesn't seem to go anywhere.

the "guide.pdf" link also doesn't end up at a pdf file.

Comments (5)

  1. Dan Bonachea has a guide.pdf link that does not point at a file.

    This is an artifact of how BitBucket renders our archive's README on the overview page. The link points at a git file descriptor page, containing a "view Raw" link that gives the actual PDF. This is probably the best we can do without breaking the README in the distribution.

    the Advanced Installer Configuration was in

    This looks like an issue with BitBucket's markdown for internal cross references. The guide has the same problem when viewed online. In this case the cross reference is to content less than one page away, so we should probably just remove the link.

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