test/future.cpp assert failure on Mac+clang

Issue #87 resolved
BrianS created an issue
>clang++ -std=c++11 $($upcxx PPFLAGS) $($upcxx LDFLAGS) $($upcxx LIBFLAGS) future.cpp -o future.exe
>/usr/local/upcxx/bin/upcxx-run 4 ./future.exe
Ranks: -1
fib(5) = 5
fib(6) = 8
fib(6)**2 = 64
fib(16) = 987
UPC++ assertion failure [/Users/bvs/upcxx/src/backend/gasnet/runtime.cpp:181]
Abort trap: 6

other tests, like atomics.cpp and collectives.cpp work ok. Which leads into my next question, which is how do we debug this code?

somewhat more info. Since this is not using the backend I can run the code in lldb and get the stack trace

    frame #2: 0x00007fffc5179420 libsystem_c.dylib`abort + 129
    frame #3: 0x000000010000291e future.exe`upcxx::assert_failed(char const*, int, char const*) + 622
    frame #4: 0x00000001000085e8 future.exe`upcxx::barrier() + 40
    frame #5: 0x0000000100078fe1 future.exe`print_test_success(bool) + 17
    frame #6: 0x00000001000788af future.exe`main + 2879

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