Loader error in my rb1d/upcxx app

Issue #98 resolved
Scott Baden created an issue

The app "rb1d-lbarr" fails to build [it's in the scott repo under rb1d/upcxx, and you have read permissions]

I'd been having trouble with the app hanging, so I deleted my upcxx installation including .nobs and rebuilt from scratch. The build of the app is attached, showing the loader errors

This is on my office mac

Comments (10)

  1. Dan Bonachea

    @sbbaden : are you able to build the programming guide examples in upcxx/example/prog-guide using your install?

    gmake -C example/prog-guide UPCXX_INSTALL=/path/to/upcxx/install clean all

    The answer will help us narrow down the problem.

  2. Paul Hargrove

    @sbaden I see the following in the link command of your output:
    So, I assume that UPC++ was built with CXX pointing to (or defaulting to) an install of g++-6.2.0.
    However, based on the message clang: warning: argument unused... you appear to be compiling and linking your application with clang.

    I suspect the problem is that clang++ and g++ may be using different C++ standard libraries.
    So, I recommend you ensure that you are using the same compiler for both UPC++ and your application.
    For instance, if your Makefile does not already use upcxx-meta to determine the C++ compiler, then that would be the first thing to change.

  3. Dan Bonachea

    Given hello-world is failing to build for you (but works in nightly tests that include mac) this looks like a broken install.

    Please try:

    cd upcxxsrcdir ; rm -Rf .nobs $UPCXX_INSTALL ; ./install $UPCXX_INSTALL

    and capture the full output of the install command.

  4. Scott Baden reporter

    I had to rejuvenate 2 lines in my .tcshrc file that set CXX and CC to /usr/bin/g++ and /usr/bin/gcc

    $CXX -v Apple LLVM version 9.0.0 (clang-900.0.38) Target: x86_64-apple-darwin16.7.0 Thread model: posix InstalledDir: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin

    I now got further with the build of the PG examples, but clang comlained about -fopenmp in the build of persona-example

    clang: error: unsupported option '-fopenmp'

    Note also that rb1d-lbarr fails now. It hangs. This code worked, then didn't work, then work, now didn't work again. Hadia and I observed it fail yesterday in my office, after I'd tested it on another mac over the weekend. When I wiped the rb1d repo and re-cloned, it worked. But now it hangs today. Same behavior on Edison and Hadia has observed the failure independently.

  5. Dan Bonachea

    clang comlained about -fopenmp in the build of persona-example

    Apple clang lacks OpenMP support, so this test won't work when using /usr/bin/{gcc,g++}.

    Also note we have some known open issues with homebrew gcc on mac - issue #49, issue #92, so I would stay away from that and stick to /usr/bin/{gcc,g++} until those are resolved.

    So it sounds like the compilation/linking problem is solved.

    If rb1d is compiling but failing at runtime, that should probably be opened as a separate issue (and probably assigned to Hadia to narrow down). In particular, you'll need to report which of the many versions you are running and with which parameters.

  6. Scott Baden reporter

    We need to be clear in the INSTALL.md that Mac users should not use the Brew install as this is a known issue But it also sounds like something changed in the build, that wasn't causing a problem before....

    It is odd that the program ran correctly and reliably many times over . Will start an issue in my repo

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