Issue #287 nobs CC/CXX handling on Cray XC

#144 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merge pull request #144 into develop

3042b9e·Author: ·Closed by: ·2019-12-10


  • Fix issue #287: Eliminate bogus install warning about mismatched compilers on Cray XC

    Ensure nobs $PATH-expands compiler paths before comparing them.

    As expected, the warning should be harmless in normal use, but nevertheless alarming to users who are correctly following install directions.

  • issue #287: ensure CC/CXX overrides are honored on Cray XC

    Previously when cross-compiling on the Cray XC, nobs was always ignoring the CC/CXX envvars and using the hard-coded 'cc'/'CC' values from the GASNet cross-configure script.

    There should normally be no reason for the user to want to change these defaults on a Cray XC, but fix nobs logic to not preclude that possibility. This enables the user to inject options into the UPC++ library build, eg:

    env CROSS=cray-aries-slurm CC='cc -ipo' CXX='CC -ipo' ./install

  • Update ChangeLog

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