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systemstat / Home


systemstat is a work in progress. It works for me, but I am open to suggestions to improve the API/naming and change the visibility of certain objects.


There are a few things I'd like to do before I consider systemstat to be stable. In no particular order:

  • Add an example that serves current averages in JSON format to http clients. I have sloppy code that does this, but it would be nice to clean it up and put it out there. It is the real reason I created this package -- I wanted to be able to poll my servers and see how long they have been up, how much memory they are consuming, and what the CPU usage is (on the system itself, as well as the CPU used by my go servers).
  • Support operating systems besides linux
  • Add more tests
  • Fix the testing abstraction; currently the systemstat.go file has files like "proc/stat" hardcoded; these should be moved to the linux only functions should other OSes gain support.
  • Clean up the go-top example
