On-screen keyboard should not use a yellow box as a button cursor position marker

Issue #124 resolved
IanSav created an issue

The on-screen keyboard uses a yellow button cursor to indicate the current button position. This sends an incorrect UI signal that the user can press the YELLOW button to select the item under the cursor.

The on-screen keyboard shows red, green, yellow and blue cursors that, when the corresponding coloured button is pressed, activates the corresponding function. Pressing RED will delete the character to the left of the text cursor. Pressing GREEN accepts the input and closes the on-screen keyboard. Pressing BLUE toggles the SHIFT button. However, pressing YELLOW actually changes the keyboard character set and does NOT exit the on-screen keyboard (as indicated in the screen capture).

The current button cursor should be a colour that is NOT used for the four colour buttons. For example, it could be white though that may not be contrasting enough to stand out. Perhaps something like orange or pink may be a better choice. Alternatively, if possible, invert the colours of the active button (dark blue text on a white background).

Also, the on-screen keyboard should have some sort of confirmation of what keyboard layout is currently being displayed. Either display labels like "English", "Greek", etc or something like "Layout 1 of 5" etc. This label should change every time the YELLOW button is pressed to reflect what keyboard layout is currently displayed.

Reproduction steps

From live TV press EPG to bring up the "Multi EPG". Then press YELLOW to perform an "EPG Search". Then press YELLOW again to perform a "New Search". This should present the on-screen keyboard as described in this report.

Comments (8)

  1. IanSav reporter

    A file was uploaded. reference to attachment OnscreenKeyboard.jpg (On-screen keyboard with a yellow button cursor that does not relate to using the YELLOW button.)

  2. prl
    • removed issue_status

    The issue was updated with the following change(s):

    • The status has been updated, from New to Confirmed.
  3. Peter Urbanec
    • removed issue_status

    The issue was updated with the following change(s):

    • The status has been updated, from Confirmed to Delegated.
  4. Peter Urbanec
    • removed issue_status

    The issue was updated with the following change(s):

    • The status has been updated, from Delegated to Testing.
  5. IanSav reporter
    • removed issue_status

    The current button indicator is still a YELLOW box.

    There is, however, now a message in yellow that indicates what language keyboard is currently being displayed.

    The issue was updated with the following change(s):

    • The status has been updated, from Testing to Not Fixed.
  6. Peter Urbanec
    • removed issue_status

    The issue was updated with the following change(s):

    • The status has been updated, from Not Fixed to Testing.
  7. Peter Urbanec
    • removed issue_resolution
    • removed issue_percent
    • removed issue_close
    • removed issue_status

    The issue was updated with the following change(s):

    • The status has been updated, from Testing to Closed.
    • This issue has been closed
    • This issue's progression has been updated to 100 percent completed.
    • The resolution has been updated, from Not determined to Fixed.
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