CFE input is broken

Issue #132 invalid
Peter Urbanec created an issue

CFE bootloader sequence can be stopped by CTR-C. This works fine with a 115200,8N1 no flow configured terminal.

Once the CFE prompt appears, no further input is accepted from the serial port and the only option is reset or power cycle.

Reproduction steps

  • Connect serial terminal.
  • Configure for 115200, 8N1, no flow control
  • Power on
  • Press CTRL-C before timeout

The CTRL-C keypress is recognised and CFE auto start is aborted. Eventually CFE prompt is shown, but typing further input in the serial terminal results in no response.

Comments (4)

  1. Peter Urbanec reporter
    • removed issue_status

    The issue was updated with the following change(s):

    • The status has been updated, from New to Confirmed.
  2. Peter Urbanec reporter
    • removed issue_status

    The issue was updated with the following change(s):

    • The status has been updated, from Confirmed to Delegated.
  3. Peter Urbanec reporter
    • removed issue_reproducability

    The issue was updated with the following change(s):

    • This issue's reproduction steps has been changed
  4. Peter Urbanec reporter
    • removed issue_resolution
    • removed issue_close
    • removed issue_status

    There is a magic key stroke incantation required to enable input. This is intentional design, to keep general public from bricking their box.

    Magic key stroke incantation is supplied on a strictly need-to-know basis.

    The issue was updated with the following change(s):

    • The status has been updated, from Delegated to Rejected.
    • This issue has been closed
    • The resolution has been updated, from Not determined to NOT AN ISSUE.
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