Ask the user for their location and use this for all location-based setup

Issue #14 wontfix
Peter Urbanec created an issue

Ask the user for their location. Two lists would be best, similar to this:


Then for each state/territory:


Use the location information gathered above to automatically set the timezone and the initial tuning frequencies.

Comments (6)

  1. prl
    • removed issue_posted

    The issue was updated with the following change(s):

    • The issue's poster has been changed, from prl to peteru.
  2. prl
    • removed issue_update

    Beyonwiz seem to have already gone a different direction on this. Their direction is an improvement on the original firmware, but this would be cleaner, though it would need some more work in making compatible time zone and tuner frequency tables.

  3. prl
    • removed issue_update

    The issue was updated with the following change(s):

    • This issue's description has been changed
  4. IanSav
    • removed issue_status

    The issue was updated with the following change(s):

    • The status has been updated, from New to Confirmed.
  5. Peter Urbanec reporter
    • removed issue_status

    The issue was updated with the following change(s):

    • The status has been updated, from Confirmed to Testing.
  6. Peter Urbanec reporter
    • removed issue_resolution
    • removed issue_close
    • removed issue_status

    Fixed in 20140312 using a slightly different approach.

    There are now two selection screens, one for timezone and another for tuner location.

    The issue was updated with the following change(s):

    • The status has been updated, from Testing to Rejected.
    • This issue has been closed
    • The resolution has been updated, from Not determined to WILL NOT FIX.
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