Forced power OFF

Issue #160 wontfix
Peter Urbanec created an issue

It is possible that the software and/or drivers on the T3 can crash or deadlock and the device stops responding to the remote control. In these cases, the user has to remove power to regain control of the device. Doing this can be difficult for users who have installed their equipment inside cabinets and can not easily reach the power switch on the back or the socket where the power cord is plugged in.

Some mechanism is needed to force a power off, shutdown or hardware reset, preferably using the remote control or the front panel controls.

The Beyonwiz DP series had a watchdog time out in front panel. If the front panel received an IR or front panel button POWER code, the front panel would send the keycode and start a timer. The application software had to send back a CANCEL command to the front panel within 30 seconds. If the front panel did not receive the CANCEL command from application in time, it would power down the main board. If the CANCEL was received, the front panel would not power down the main board until the application sent a SHUTDOWN command to the front panel.

Something similar would be good for the T3.

Another option is to have a key combination that performs an unconditional power down. Something like 5 individual presses of POWER within 3 seconds (with no other keys being pressed in between) or holding the POWER button down for 15 seconds.

Comments (5)

  1. Peter Urbanec reporter
    • removed issue_status

    The issue was updated with the following change(s):

    • The status has been updated, from New to Delegated.
  2. Peter Urbanec reporter
    • removed issue_category

    The issue was updated with the following change(s):

    • The category has been updated, from Not determined to Driver / Hardware.
  3. Peter Urbanec reporter

    The easiest option to implement would be to detect a long press (say 10 seconds) of the front panel POWER button, which would power down the main board.

  4. Peter Urbanec reporter

    My understanding is that there will not be any more updates to the T4 or T3 front panels.

    T2 front panel can not be programmed, so this functionality is not possible.

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